Interested in hosting a House Concert?

Would you like to host a house concert? Or do you know of someone who you think would like to hear my live music?

My family and I will be sharing my music on the road again in 2024. We plan to head to both the west and east coast!

What does a House Concert look like?

It’s pretty simple really, here’s the basic outline…

  1. a recommended minimum of 20 guests

  2. optional light refreshments

  3. a little over an hour concert in your house

If it feels like a difficult thing to pull off – don’t be intimidated, it’s surprisingly easy and fun. If you have ever had a group over for a cookout or to watch a movie, you have all the skills necessary to be a house concert host.

What does it cost?

Full transparency, it’s hard for me to make less than $300 to host a house concert. But it’s possible for you to host it for free! Here’s two ways to make it happen:

  1. We can set up the show to be ticketed, meaning the more guests that attend the less that would be need to cover the difference as a host. For example, if 20 people buy a $10 ticket, you’ll only pay $100 to host. If ticket sales get to $300, you, the host, cover nothing. Really, the only way you’d actually pay $300 is if absolutely no one came to the concert. (I can collect the ticket sales so you don’t have to worry about managing the money or you can do it yourself if you’d prefer to fill the role of a venue.)

  2. We can do a donation based show to reach the $300 needed. This means that there would be a donation collected after the concert and a host generally is willing to cover the difference at the end of the evening (if there is any, most of the time there isn’t). This style of concert generally gets more people in the door but without ticket pre-sales it’s sometimes hard to gauge how many people are coming and what the host might expect to be paying.

Where do you travel?

I travel all over the country! I structure my tour around the hosts. That means that first, I get a list of interested hosts, then I plot my route by region, and then I nail down the actual dates for concerts.

What Equipment Do I Need?

I generally travel with a small sound system but a lot of them time I don’t need to use it. Unless I am playing in a larger venue where they already have a sound system built in I can bring everything I need. Just make sure there is a plug near by to power.

Some of my shows have been when I played unplugged, without any amplification.

How do I become a host?  

Here’s how it works:

  1. Fill out the form below and let me know you’re interested in hosting.

  2. I’ll contact you and we’ll figure out the best date for your concert.

  3. We’ll communicate leading up the concert over email and then…

  4. When the day arrives, I’ll show up at your house and sing for you and your friends.

Why House Concerts?

House concerts are a chance to have an intimate event where I can tell stories about the songs I’ve written and we don’t have to worry about the fourth wall. In your home or community space we get to know one another and share in the beauty of fellowship. I tailor each concert to the people in the room. Let’s create a memorable night together!

In the space below please tell me about yourself and what you are envisioning.